Quilted Fabric
Gift & Kleenex Boxes

A Gift Box with a lid

The quilting gets done in the hoop, so any material of your choice can be used.

You can also make coasters or a trivet out of the 100mm squares.
Or You can make a 9 square "Board"
and Play Tic Tac Toe with O's and X's Included.

(The Butterflies are not included they can be found in the
Small Butterflies set )
You can also make a purse.
Assembly is a an individual choice- options for assembly and text instructions are included
as well as a complete Photo aid for the making and assembly of the box.

100 mm (3.94 inch) quilted files to make different projects
A flap for a purse A Triangle for an envelope A "Tissue" box top.
100 mm x 21.2 mm Buttonhole sides for the 100 mm " Kleenex lid"
+- 48mm High Quilted X and O for the hugs and kisses

Quilted  (Square and Rectangle) Sizes in this set

100 mm Files (9 files) 95mm Files (1 File)
100 mm Square 95 mm Square to make the "box" for the 100mm lid to fit over
100 x (Heights) 20, 35, 45, 55, 65, 75, 85, 95

4x4 (16 files)


CCQ0000(A) - Quilted Fabric Boxes


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